@ReadingGlassCo Book Club
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
The first 15 days
The Right Mindset
Many times you’ll read a book and it won’t click. I am a real believer in that your mind has to be in a certain place of acceptance to internalize the information. I remember reading the Power of Now and thinking that book was pure nonsense. Two years later I re-read it and it is embedded in my soul. It’s the kind of book you remind yourself to live by everyday. The Miracle Morning is also one of those books.
Of all the self-help books, this one has made the most impact. As a parent, your every moment of existence revolves around your children. Whether you want to or not. The mind of a dedicated parent always drifts to their kids. The Miracle Morning is all about making time for yourself and your own personal growth. This really hit home for me because I needed to make the time to feel like more than just a parent again. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we are more than just one thing. When you become a parent you are too okay with shedding every sense of your identity just so your little one survives. There are other options.
The book gives you a 30 day challenge to wake up at least an hour earlier than you usually do to dedicate to your personal growth. Hal Elrod has a specific set of 6 suggestions he calls S.A.V.E.R.S to enrich your morning and ensure your performing at optimum level the rest of the day. The idea is that by doing the SAVERS you are preparing your brain to do things during the day that you may not have had energy to do, or even thought of doing. This in hopes that you’ll be more productive and efficient thus creating the life of your dreams.
Too Good To Be True
At first, I didn’t think that I’d see much of a radical change in me or my routine, nevermind my life in general. I read the first few chapters and then began to implement waking up early. Hal has an app you can use for free that will help you keep track of your morning SAVERS. I downloaded that and started waking up at 6am. I have to wake the kids up at 7am. The first couple of days, 6 am was not enough. I needed another hour. The next morning the alarm went off at 5am. After about 7 days, I felt compelled to move the alarm up even more. Now the official Miracle Morning wake up call for this lady is 4am. It’s the sweet spot for me. There is something magical about 4am. It’s still… so still in the house. No-one can feel you moving in the house. I have babies that sometimes wake up way too early, but never at 4am. It’s a fool proof time for me to get my “me” time in. Once I chose a time that really worked, things just flowed from there.
My first thought was, “ I won’t be able to sustain this, I’ll be too tired by day 10 and crash.” That has not happened yet. Somehow, I have more energy during the day. I don’t need a second cup of coffee and that afternoon slump stays at bay. I feel more inspired and I’m most definitely more productive. By day 15, I’m a true believer. This can be my life.
It’s improved my morning with my kids, because by the time I have to deal with them, I’ve showered and meditated and envisioned a happy and productive day. It changes you; this daily practice of the SAVERS will make lasting changes to your life and most importantly for your mind.
Nothing Is Perfect
Everyday won’t be a rocking day. You’ll have mornings where you don’t want to wake up. I’ve allotted for that by adding an additional alarm. Because if 4am feels like too much that day, 5 am may feel better that day and that is more than OKay. You have to listen to your body and spirit at all times.
Some days you may not do all the SAVERS. Forgive yourself. My tip is that meditation and visualization make the most impact, therefore don’t miss those. Rest assured that if you do most of them everyday, you’ll feel amazing and do more with your day than you’ve ever done before.
Have you given this book a chance yet?
Let me know how you feel about the Miracle Morning. How has it changed your life?
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